Why Parents Love our Program
Grades improved 79.46%*
Attitudes toward school success improved 79.33%*
Behavior improved 88.87%*
Academics improved 88.87%*
Job Readiness improved 94.00%*
Our Services
The services provided by our staff are designed to assist states, districts, and schools to successfully implement strategies and intervention for struggling youth, and scale-up RTI and its components -- screening students, monitoring student progress, providing evidence-based interventions that adjust in intensity depending on a student's responsiveness, and identifying students who are under performing at school or in life. To determine what services may be needed, staff collaboratively problem-solve with the requesting state, district, parents, or school to (a) identify and prioritize the areas of need, and (b) select evidence-based practices that can best meet those needs. We are available to provide assistance on environmental struggling students to states, districts, and schools in a number of ways:
One-time events or activities on academic/behavior or related topics
Short-term series of activities that facilitate the implementation of classroom strategies that decreases behavior but maximizes learning
Sustained, multi-year, comprehensive sets of on-going development for teachers or professionals who wants a in depth look at maximizing student achievement
We utilize innovation and apply evidence-based strategies and incorporate the best practices to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems at home, school, and community. Available services include on-site professional development, coaching and consultation, document review, needs assessment, and evaluation of current intervention and strategies.
On-site Professional Development
Direct customized discussions and trainings to district or school staff on topics such as:
Essential components of Managing Surface Behaviors
Understanding Environmental Behaviors
School Culture; More Learning less Behavior
Instruction of diverse learners; Education vs Environment
Instructional Behavior Management Plan Coaching and Consultation
Support on academic/behavior-related topics identified by the client. Support can be provided in person or at a distance (e.g., webinars, conference calls, online meetings). Services can also include coaching and/or consultation on facilitating the school culture leadership team process.
Provide intensive support for disengaged youth
Implement Behavior Management practices aligned with district policies
Provide resources that target environmental change
Strategies for increasing student attendance
Individual Needs Assessment
In School Support for Parents and Students
*For parents looking for solutions to ongoing academic/behavior problems in school and/or at home.
Review and Attend IEP Meetings
Behavior Intervention Plans
Classroom Observations
Assist in undertaking a needs assessment and implementation of current practices that promotes social –emotional development
Workforce Development and Employment Services
Post-Secondary Transitioning & Work Ready Training
Career Exploration & Workforce Development Needs Assessment
Job Development & Job Placement
Follow-Along Job Support
Collectively, our staff has extensive experience in and technical assistance as teachers, administrators, researchers and innovators to education. They are accustomed to working side-by-side with key SEA and LEA administrators, Our leadership teams, and professional development providers to meet state and district goals. They are skilled at strategizing approaches, customizing resources, and delivering training. If you are interested in working with the DC Youth Empowerment , complete the following service request form.